Three Week & Counting

We are 3 weeks away and counting

What does one do before moving for a year? Last week I:

  • Canceled health insurance
  • Re-worked life insurance
  • Added Jaimie to a bank account
  • Had her cancel two bank accounts
  • Trimmed the hedges
  • Had some meetings
  • Got new traveling credit cards
  • Canceled old credit cards
  • Got to the beach
  • …and I’m sure I’m missing a dozen more things.

This week is already scheduled full of events as well! On top of all that, some Jehovah’s Witnesses came to the door a while ago.

Jehovah Witness

What was I to do? I’ve never had this experience happen to me. For so long, I’ve had friends joke and spread gossip about what it was like. But I wanted to know the truth about Jehovah’s Witnesses, and I invited them in. After a puzzled look and a few moments of excuses, I welcomed them into my home – a husband, wife, and two adult children.

We sat and spoke for an hour. I’ve learned so much about the Jehovah’s Witnesses. To my surprise, there were many things they believed that Jaimie and I believe, that a lot of denominations around here don’t. For example, when Jesus comes back, there will not be a “rapture.” He’ll come back, and that will be that. And that baptism is part of salvation, and there is the penalty for sins, etc. But there were some big inconsistencies as well. Jesus is the highest angel, and there is no hell.

The great thing about talking to someone who believes differently than you do is how much you’ll learn if you’re prepared. I don’t consider myself to be wise. And I knew ahead of time if I wanted to speak to them, I might get a little confused and have to research things later. One thing that puzzled me the most was that they believed that God created Jesus.

Cor 1:15 The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation.

With that scripture alone, with no context (which is what they explained to me) meant that God created Jesus. He was the “first born.” (There were a few loosely linked other scriptures). And I’ll be honest, that was tripping me up. Until a friend of mine recommended I do a word study on “firstborn.” That was the best piece of advice I got all week and really helped bring it into perspective.

Psalm 89:27 And I will appoint him to be my firstborn, the most exalted of the kings of the earth.

That scripture talks about David, the youngest of all his brothers, and God appoints him to be firstborn. As in a position of rank. Just like Jesus, it is the first position of rank over all creation. I’d suggest you do a word study of firstborn as well to get a better idea. Over the last week, I studied this, and I came to find out that there is one God – the Trinity, made up of God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, who has always been there.

One thing I walked away with is if you’re going to have a conversation with a false religion, do not believe in ignorance. Examine the scriptures, be very cautious, and seek wise counsel.

Acts 17:11 Now the Berean Jews were of more noble character than those in Thessalonica, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true.

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