Cornelius Is Baptized

As we move through the book of Acts, we read about another Centurion. The last Centurion we met amazed Jesus (Matthew 8:5-13) – and that’s a big deal considering Jesus…

Paul Is Baptized

The conversion of Paul has been recorded three times in the New Testament: Acts 9:1-20, Acts 22:1-21, and Acts 26: 11-23. Each time the story is presented in front of…

Eunuch Is Baptized

The Background Before we get into it, let’s explain what is happening. First, Philip left Jerusalem and went to Samaria, where he met a man named Simon. Philip baptized Simon,…

Simon Is Baptized

The Background Always best to get an understanding of what is going on. The first few verses of Acts 8 explain this to us. A man named Saul just put…

Conversion Experiences

Are You Saved? That’s the big question, correct? Am I saved? What do I have to do to be saved? Can we say a prayer and my sins are forgiven…