Ben’s Perspective
Jaimie and I were down to a few bags, and we crammed all of the things we deemed important to take to India. Everything else we either sold or stored. We both packed enough clothes for seven of our 360 days (tomorrow will be day 3). We packed a couple of Bibles, a few important books, computers, and Jaimie’s peanut butter. See the picture above for an idea.
Our Itinerary
We left our house at 6:15 a.m. and arrived in Washington D.C. around 11:00a.m. From D.C. at 3:00 p.m. to Newark at 5:00 p.m. When we arrived at Newark, my mom surprised us with lounge tickets! We got a couple of glasses of wine, showers, and some snacks. We also sat next to some world travelers that were a blast to talk to – and taught us how to use the lounge the most effective way.
From Newark we got on a plane at 9:00 p.m. and arrived at Mumbai, India at 9:00 p.m. (14 hours w/ the time change).
After a 30 minute cab ride we finally made it to the comfort of a hotel room and went to bed around 11:30. 7:00 am came around and we got up, and took the hotel car to the airport and flew to Nagpur, India (our destination).
What is Nagpur like?
Nagpur is at the end of their monsoon season – which looks a lot like the beginning of summer/hurricane season in Florida. It’s bright and sunny during the day at about 90 degrees, then around 4:00 p.m. it begins raining and cooling off. It’s almost like we are home.
When we arrived in Nagpur, we were greeted by our great friends. We ordered Dominos pizza for lunch, rested, then headed off to see our apartment. Our friends are the most accommodating and friendliest people anyone will have the pleasure of meeting. We are so excited to spend time with them. Around 4:00 p.m. they took us to see the apartment they found for us, and it is amazing!
You’ll have to check back in a few days to see some pictures and discover the new things we are finding out we need – and have no idea existed- and more!
I have a saying: “I’m not afraid of the dark; I’m afraid of what’s in the dark.” Basically, it’s the unknown that strikes fear…which, coincidentally, are most of the things that are 100% out of my control. I don’t like to fly, check bags, switch planes, get into cabs in foreign cities with strangers, get rude looks when I don’t tip more than $10 to put my bag inside the cab when I ask him not to, wait for lights to turn green in the slums at 10:00 p.m. at night, etc.etc.etc. But this morning, I was a little humbling as I read Galatians. In the first chapter alone, Paul mentions he went to Jerusalem, Arabia, Damascus, Syria, and Cilicia, which seemed to be all within a 3-year period (could be wrong). I went to Nagpur…just one place, which caused me to lose sleep with anxiety.
I am excited that with this trip, I can already see that I will have to rely on God’s control and the strength of our marriage. I alone, it turns out, can’t control much at all.
Jaimie’s perspective
We made it! After a pretty leisurely flight schedule (two short layovers in the U.S., a 14 hour overnight to Mumbai, a hotel stay and a 1-hour flight to Nagpur), we finally arrived in our Indian hometown this afternoon. None of our luggage was lost, which is a huge bonus! Compared to our last trip, this one was a cakewalk.
Our Friends found a wonderful apartment for us, and we met the landlord (who also happens to be a doctor and lives directly next door). Our kitchen is huge, and we have two bathrooms and two bedrooms. Tomorrow, we will go shopping for a few furnishings and other necessities! The apartment is in a great location, safe, and close to a market and Ben’s office. We will be able to walk to many of our destinations.
It has been comforting and greatly encouraging to have friends praying for us during our travel. I can truly see the impact of these prayers already. Our fears and anxieties, which have been many, have been overshadowed by the faith we share in Jesus. His hand is guiding us in it all.