Marinara and Post-Modernism

It’s hard to believe we have been in India for over a month now! Somewhere between weeks three and four, I started to feel more at home. And, with the…

These Are The Best Keys (Learn About Ganesha Too)

People just hand out anything over here…like a scooter, to a white kid! (Some rupees helped facilitate this deal) I don’t have an Indian driver’s license, an address, credit cards,…

Some Highlights This Week

I’m not going to sugarcoat this – it’s tough to adjust to living in another country. I’m sure everyone would like to hear a ramble of the list of complaints…

The Little Things

For the past few months, our lives have been filled with excitement and activity as we prepare to leave for India. Our friends and family surrounded us. We prayed and…

The Things We Have Learned

Panipuri is a wafer type bowl filled with boiled potato and spices, then dipped into chili water that you pop in your mouth all in one shot. Such a rush!…

The funny thing is…

We have been in India for five days now! So far, we have gotten situated and visited the church, where they invited Ben to preach. Everyone was very welcoming. We…

One Week & Counting

We are leaving for India in one week. What in the world happened last week?…let’s see: Go to the Dentist Go to the Doctor Organize parts of the garage Have…

Three Week & Counting

We are 3 weeks away and counting What does one do before moving for a year? Last week I: Canceled health insurance Re-worked life insurance Added Jaimie to a bank…